I need to cycle more, and train more at track & field haha
FYP FYP FYP 5 days a week one common test paper on monday
playing frisbee later
okay this week what i did?
got a new pair of street soccer boots
wed, went to test out some audiophiles earphones and headphones, supposed share a bundle with my friend get something cheap for a spare earphone, in the end bought an alessandro/grado music series 2 headphones which came with a semi hard-case, a mini amp and afew adapters I bought the one on the right, click [here] caught transformer too
yes i got slots to work in my perfume job after a being on a hiatus cos no time to work weekdays cos of my final year project
I'm pretty much still human, sometimes i may be at wrong, but I'm with you okay i shall stop writing here, till we meet again, blog =)
and He found it very good 10:36 AM;
God's gift
hi I'm Manuel not automatic,
turning 21 this October 21st
Loves cycling, loves life the way it is