Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I took an off day today to do some rest & relax...woke up late in the morning, wash up and cycled down to the nearby market place for lunch, had mutton soup with rice for lunch and then cycled around and passed by cayc (youth centre) on my way home, saw father fred's car there and decided to drop in to see if he's there for me to disturb =Pwent in saw him slacking in the study room there and decided to sit down and enjoy the afternoon slacking and 'gossiping with him'... did some catching up and left after like 2 hours ...went home to put my bike, followed by taking a cab down to ajunied mrt to meet up with a church friend (Bernard) to go bike frame hunting and sight-seeing...met him there, he drove me to many bike shops in the east, like 5 shops before reaching Teck hock hin bike shop where i saw my bike frame of my dreams, the voodoo Sobo scandium frame...
It's like love at 1st sight, by far the most captivating bike frame to me, the welding, the paint job, the geometry, the price etc...
the price was at $769 after further discount, intial price was at $860...
immediately made a deposit to book the frame and I'm gonna get it like asap and then put it at home for me to admire that masterpiece everyday...
guess my 1st paycheck will gonna be used on that frame...
and He found it very good 1:15 AM;
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
this is a wonderful song from corrinne may, which really brought a sense of nostalgia to me and remind me of my dearest gradpa, who passed away on this very day 4 months ago...Corrinne May - Fly Away"When will you be home?" he asks as we watch the planes take off We both know we have no clear answer to where my dreams may lead he's watched me as i crawled and stumbled As a child, he was my world And now to let me go, I know he bleeds and yet he says to me
You can fly so high Keep your gaze upon the sky I'll be prayin every step along the way Even though it breaks my heart to know we'll be so far apart I love you too much to make you stay Baby fly away
Autumn leaves fell into spring time and SIlver-painted hair Daddy called one evening saying "We need you. Please come back" When I saw him laying in his bed Fragile as a child Pale just like an angel taking flight I held him as I cried
You can fly so high Keep your gaze upon the sky I'll be prayin every step along the way Even though it breaks my heart to know we'll be so far apart I love you too much to make you stay Baby fly away ohh... I love you too much to make you stay Baby fly away
fly away grandpa, for I love you too much to make you stay, you watched me stumbled as a baby and watched me grow up...a kind hearted, caring, loving, wonderful, spectacular and so much more virtues that exudes from his have never raised your voice at me and I'll remember those sweets and bananas that you also give me as a child, the sweet taste of pure love that mum couldn't give me, you shielded me from the evil world out there and you teach me all I need to know without even saying a word...I was broken-hearted that I couldn't be by your side when the hour of your passing came...I was the youngest grandson, probably your favourite gradson, the only one that's not born in the kampung, the naughty and cheeky one, the hyperactive one...I remember the week before you passed away, I visited you at the home, you couldn't even recognise me due to senile dementia that was affecting your memory... sitting on the wheel chair, having to be spoon fed by the nurse there... It hurts me deeply to see you in that state...I was planning to visit you more often after my O-levels, but I guess the time and opportunity will never come...I'll always remember the anniversary of your demise, which also coeincide with my birthday... your legacy lives on in my heartI'll Be missing you...
and He found it very good 2:36 AM;
Recently I've been feeling kinda uneasy, like as if noting seems the same for me anymore, the things I do, the people around me, the environment I'm in, the buzz of activities around me the lyrics of this song below gave me that time again for me to reflect...words like 'you' and 'your' represent a particular group of friends that I would like to dedicate this song to, maybe those reading it will know who the words of this songs goes to...DREAMZ FM LYRICS - Should I Stay (Chemistry Soundtrack)
Had a driveDriven by your loveBut when you messed aroundI lost the drive I found
Thought you neededNeeded someone trueBut you changed your mindOr had I failed you?
Wish you’d beenCareful with my heartBut you tore it apartAnd broke an angel’s heart
The kiss was trueHas to end somehowBut I am livin’ proof of what love is about
CHORUSIt’s hard holding youLoving you, losing youIt’s sad to be trueAnd be fooled by youI don’t know (I don’t know)I gotta knowShould I stay or should I go?
You played me onPlayed me like a clownBut I feel for youEventhough I’m down
My heart is heavyHeavy like a rockBut I am so amusedYou’re still in my thoughts
CHORUSIt’s hard holding youLoving you, losing youIt’s sad to be trueAnd be fooled by youI don’t know (I don’t know)I gotta knowShould I stay or should I go?
Oooohh…should I stay?Should I go?
CHORUSIt’s hard holding youLoving you, losing youIt’s sad to be trueAnd be fooled by youI don’t know (I don’t know)I gotta knowShould I stay or should I go?
This time its doneIt’ll never feel the sameBut we had some good timesGuess it’s sad just the same
I guess the truthDoesn’t matter somehowBut you were livin’ proof of what love is about…
I guess maybe it's time for me to move on and also to let go of some of you guys, maybe there's no longer of any significance for me to be part of your I feel, jaded, vindicated, illusionised and it goes on and on...I guess I shall move on, anyway a great start will be my poly life that gonna hit me soon...I shouldn't care too much, its not like as if I really need to, I Shall move on, maybe in a layman term "I should don't give a Fu*k about it"...
and He found it very good 2:13 AM;
Friday, February 17, 2006
I had quite a relaxed day at work, had a lunch break, the moment I finished my lunch, my hp in my pocket began to ring, I picked up the incoming call and it was a call from my boss, I was like "holy crap, I'm not at my department", my boss asked me where I was, I told her I was having my lunch break at the staff lounge, there were actually 2 of my bosses there actually, one called Jamelia and the other Susan (Gabriel Pat's Sis)...then I ran all the way to my department, they weren't pissed at all and even asked how am I copong with the job, I was like whaoh so nice of them to drop by and not boss me around and also asked if I can manage, they even gotten me an orange for my break later in the afternoon, gave me some tips to interact with the customers better, allowed me to have the freedom and flexibility to move around when there's no customers and also to have my breaktime, it was like shiok la, they trust me to do the job well inspite of me being inexperienced...then they left after passing me some new testers for the perfumes...currently sick of James Blunt's Your beautiful ad they keep repeating tat song in carrefourthe rest of the day went off smoothly for me wothout any bossing around my supervisors there...time to knock at the stroke of 7.30pmI had to rush to Ang Mo Kio for my Karate training which starts at 8pm, got in the Mrt station at city hall...took the escalator down to the platform, then I was like whoah, "your beautiful just played instantly in my mind...My life is brilliant.My love is pure.I saw an angel.Of that I'm sure.She smiled at me on the subway.She was alone.But I won't lose no sleep on that,'Cause I've got a plan.
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.You're beautiful, it's true.I saw your face in a crowded place,And I don't know what to do,'Cause I'll never be with you.
Yeah, she caught my eye,As we walked on by.She could see from my face that I was,Fucking high,And I don't think that I'll see her again,But we shared a moment that will last till the end.
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.You're beautiful, it's true.I saw your face in a crowded place,And I don't know what to do,'Cause I'll never be with you.You're beautiful. You're beautiful.You're beautiful, it's true.There must be an angel with a smile on her face,When she thought up that I should be with you.But it's time to face the truth,I will never be with you.I'll never forget this evening, where the song "your beautiful" came to life...I was like tired after a days' work walking my way through a crowded platform, then this absolutely Hot Babe caught my eye and got me mesmerized by her immaculate beauty, certainly not a slutty kinda girl but seems very sweet and sensous instead, oozing out that kinda sexiness tats certainly a perfect 10... hahatoo bad I'm the kinda guy who's very shy (trust me I'm really a shy person =))but I'll remember the time when we traded glances with each other, she smiled at me on the subway...I saw her face in a crowded place and I dont know wat to do (cos I'm extremely shy)...Yeah, she caught my eye,As we walked on by.She could see from my face that I was, Fu*king high, And I don't think that I'll see her again, But we shared a moment that will last till the end.I could only steal glances at her and when I turn around, she looked away, but I was damn sure her eyes were on me...but all good things gotta come to an end and the train reached Ang Mo Kio sooner than I expected or wanted... she got off at the same stop, unfortunately I had to rush off to my as follows There must be an angel with a smile on her face,When she thought up that I should be with you.But it's time to face the truth,I will never be with you...I hope I bum into her soon, kinda an instant crush on the spot for me...haha, cheers to all readers out there, dont forget to tag me on my tagboard k?...=)
and He found it very good 1:34 AM;
went to school last friday to collect my O-Level results,
ain't too good but enough for me to get into the poly course I want...
when the turn came for me to collect my result slip, my legs went a little frosted and I had to drag my feet to the Mr. Chia to get my slip...
at 1st sight I was like 'OMG so many C6s?'...
my heart began beating like a drum solo, my pulse started to race, a rush of blood to my head...
then I sat down and counted, aiya, scare myself only, managed to get 19pts for my L1R4...
not too bad I thought, but certainly not anything fantastic...
so fortunate, I have been having reminisions in my dreams that I got 25 points... phew, at least my actual results were alittle more decent...
in actual fact I got
B3s for Combine Humanities, DNT and English, then I got C6s for Chinese, Bible Knowledge, Science and Maths...People will be thinking tat I got such an under-achiever attitude, well achieveing wonderful academic results ain't my fortitude anyway and not really of my interest also... When people were out studying at all over the place, coffeebean, Macs, school etc, I was having a wonderful time slacking and doing all kinds of things under the sun except studying or should I say I put in the very least effort of study to pull my way through...punch line is I'm definitely not a low-lifer or an under-achiever, it's just that I got a different approach towards life and a different concept in my life, if you do anything, there's got to have love from your heart in it, If you can do that, nothing's a hassle, cos I see so many people in my workplace dragging their feet around and having that glum look all over their face, it just suck to lead a life like that, no point working so hard and earning all the money in the world if you can't even simply enjoy life or even put your soul into doing you have to's about the passion the passion and determination to achieve something that you can currently dream of that sparks that hunger to work towards your goal and dream...the passion for playing wonderful football sparked Pele to work towards his goal, which is to play wonderful football that made him into one of the greatest soccer players ever...well to sum off, good luck to all who are taking the Ns Os or As this year or in the coming future, PASSION is the key to your success, work but don't be like me, certainly not a role model to follow...=)
and He found it very good 12:29 AM;
Sunday, February 12, 2006
I started work last friday, after taking my results...
I'm currently working at carrefour in suntec, I'm promoting the adidas perfume and deodourant in the cosmetics department at level 2... I gotta thank Gabriel for introducing me that job...
1st day of work, went there hell of a late after collecting my Os result...
started work at 5pm, went to get all the stock from the supplies room to replenish all the stuffs on the shelves...
my so called superviser help me to arrange and set everything up, so nice of her...
the supply room is like shit worst then a "karang guni's den"...
some of the working attitude of those staffs there are very poor also, I'm new there they also dont want to teach me anything, think that I'm familiar with the working environment... wth lah...
but overall the working experience quite pleasant...
I got bombarded by so many babes, chicks, hotties, especially Chij babes from all the various IJs, I was like whoah, "my eyes playing tricks on me or what man?" haha... they were like everywhere la...
many of the customers were a pleasure to serve them as they were appreciative and friendly and not demanding, some were like so cheapo, ask so much then never buy or at least didn't even say a little thank you at all, some were very rude and arrogant, I was like saying fu*k you softly when those rude and arrogant customers were walking away... some even treated me like a transparent glass panel as if I wasn't there even though I offered to help them...
but the department opposit mine was freaking understaffed, then every now and then a few customers will ask me how much is this chair and that table blah blah blah...
I got a culture shock when I saw this chick picking her nose right in front of me as she walked by, any guy would be absolutely turn off by that sight, haha...
but nonetheless its great working there and very challenging also, to tolerate and serve customers of all characteristics and of all woks of life also...
and He found it very good 12:28 AM;
Thursday, February 09, 2006
I think the things below are very true, and just for your information, Nick and susan are just a subsitute for a boy or a girl... I'm very touched by the author of this short article...
In kindergarten your idea of a good friend was the person who let you have
the red crayon when all that was left was the ugly black one.
In first grade your idea of a good friend was the person who went to the
bathroom with you and held your hand as you walked through the scary halls.
In second grade your idea of a good friend was the person who helped you
stand up to the class bully.
In third grade your idea of a good friend was the person who shared their
lunch with you when you forgot yours on the bus.
In fourth grade your idea of a good friend was the person who was willing
to switch square dancing partners in gym so you wouldn't have to be stuck
do-si-do-ing with Nasty Nick or Smelly Susan.
In fifth grade your idea of a friend was the person who saved a seat on the
back of the bus for you.
In sixth grade your idea of a friend was the person who went up to Nick or
Susan, your new crush, and asked them to dance with you, so that if they said no
you wouldn't have to be embarrassed.
In seventh grade your idea of a friend was the person who let you copy the
social studies homework from the night before that you had.
In eighth grade your idea of a good friend was the person who helped you
pack up your stuffed animals and old baseball but didn't laugh at you when you
finished and broke out into tears.
In ninth grade your idea of a good friend was the person who would go to a
party thrown by a senior so you wouldn't wind up being the only freshman there.
In tenth grade your idea of a good friend was the person who changed their
schedule so you would have someone to sit with at lunch.
In eleventh grade your idea of a good friend was the person who gave you
rides in their new car, convinced your parents that you shouldn't be grounded,
consoled you when you broke up with Nick or Susan, and found you a date to the
In twelfth grade your idea of a good friend was the person who helped you
pick out a college/university, assured you that you would get into that
college/university, helped you deal with your parents who were having a hard
time adjusting to the idea of letting you go...
At graduation your idea of a good friend was the person who was crying on
the inside but managed the biggest smile one could give as they congratulated
The summer after twelfth grade your idea of a good friend was the person
who helped you clean up the bottles from that party, helped you sneak out of the
house when you just couldn't deal with your parents, assured you that now that
you and Nick or you and Susan were back together, you could make it through
anything, helped you pack up for university and just silently hugged you as you
looked through blurry eyes at 18 years of memories you were leaving behind, and
finally on those last days of childhood, went out of their way to give you
reassurance that you would make it in college as well as you had these past 18
years, and most importantly sent you off to college knowing you were loved.
Now, your idea of a good friend is still the person who gives you the
better of the two choices, holds your hand when you're scared, helps you fight
off those who try to take advantage of you, thinks of you at times when you are
not there, reminds you of what you have forgotten, helps you put the past behind
you but understands when you need to hold on to it a little longer, stays with
you so that you have confidence, goes out of their way to make time for you,
helps you clear up your mistakes, helps you deal with pressure from others,
smiles for you when they are sad, helps you become a better person, and most
importantly loves you!
Pass on to those friends of the past, and those of the future...and those
you have met along the way...[crying yet? oh there's more]
Thank you for being a friend. No matter where we go or who we become, never
forget who helped us get there.
There's never a wrong time to pick up a phone or send a message telling
your friends how much you miss them or how much you love them.
You know who you are, pass it on to someone who you want to remind.
send this to all your friends and maybe those who aren't but just watch and see
who sends it back.
If you love someone, tell them. Remember always to say what you mean.
Never be afraid to express yourself. Take this opportunity to tell someone
what they mean to you. Seize the day and have no regrets.
Most importantly, stay close to your friends and family, for they have
helped make you the person that you are today and are what it's all about
anyway. Pass this along to your friends. Let it make a difference in your day and theirs.
The difference between expressing love and having regrets is that the
regrets may stay around forever.
Within 1 hour you must send it to other people. Within five days you will
have a miraculous occurrence in your relationships. You will find new love or
have an old love rekindled. If you do not send it, you will have once again
passed up the opportunity to do something loving and beautiful and continue the
trend that gives you problems in your relationships. If you've received this it is because someone cares for you and it means there is probably at least someone for whom you care.
If you're too busy to take the few minutes that it would take right now to
forward this to ten people, would it be the first time you didn't or that little
thing that would make a difference in your relationships? [oh the guilt!] And
the better you'll get at reaching out to those you care about.
Here's the deal: Forward this letter to at least 10 different people;
within 1 hour of receiving it. People who care for you and that warm glowy
feeling that comes from loving others.
thus it set me thinking, I think I'm very vulnerable to everything that happens around me and affects me...
sometimes I feel used and taken advantaged and used of by many people, but who's there to stand up for me?...
maybe it's because of my character and behavior of not projecting myself well in front of others and doing the wrong things at the wrong time even if my intentions were good...
maybe it's because I don't really talk much to make people aware of how I feel inside, the soft side of me, a far cry from the tough side you usually see me in...
who's there to share with me their lives and journey with me?
who's there to do those little things mentioned above that will create a huge impact in my life?
who will be there to love me?
who will be there to share with me my joy when I reach and achieve the pinnacle and milestones of my life in the future?
who will be there to reassure me when I'm in difficult times?
I don't really feel appreciated by many or yet alone loved by many, but all of you out there who are my best friends, you know who you are as your heart will feel that sudden twitch as you read this blog...
I'm sorry I'm not perfect and I can't be perfect either, but I'll try to be close to perfect...
I haved been foolish, insensitive, jealous, proud, egoistic, calculative, stupid, unloving, judgemental, and many other characteristics that aren't too good...
but neither aren't you perfect, "whoever who thinks he's not a sinner can come forward and throw the 1st stone at the her" said Jesus to a crowd who were there to stone a woman who committed adultery...
I love all of you, friends and foes, even though I don't show it, people who helped me along since my existence on earth and all who backstabbed me also, it's just that sometimes I get fustrated and angry and say things in a fit of anger and things that I don't mean it. I love you all...
I'm sorry to those whom I have offended and I'm glad and happy for those who have shared with me their lives and made me a better person...
I'm constantly trying to change and improve on myself, I bet everyone, including you are trying to do so too, but I'm still only human and bound to fall every now and then, but it's also through our fall that we learn from our mistakes...
remember it's from the bad experiences and time that we learn to appreciate and remember all the good time of our lives...
if there wasn't black, will white be differentiated from black?...
so till the next post of mine, all readers who spent quite a while to read this long post, stay cool and chill for life is much more than just plain work and studies...
and He found it very good 7:13 AM;
I'm awake this early in the morning to blog cos I can't sleep...
went to bed at 2 in the morning, thought that I could have a good rest to wake up refresh for my 1st day of work...
my room got a sudden influx of mosquitoes that kept me awake throughout the wee hours... I gave up my sleep and decided to read the newspaper and to blog this early in the morning... been a while since those irritating mosquitoes stung me but this morning mosquitoes are one hell of a F*cked up creatures, I'm gonna spray some baygon to kill and rid them all...
damn pissed off now...
but waking up this early in the morning brought back a sense of nostalgia in my mind, reminding me of my schooling days that seem to fade away slowly as life goes on...
I miss school, the fun, the people etc... schooling kids and people will be thinking, "your screw loose ah?... no school still complain so much... how I wish I could be like you"...
damn the lost of sleep must be affecting my mind to think efficiently...
BUT yay the grammys are gonna screen later at 9am, guys and gals in school to bad but they gonna show it tonight so still the same la...
and He found it very good 6:46 AM;
I'm working later the afternoon, selling perfumes over a counter at carrefour suntec, it's $5 an-hour, not too bad, yay finallt can earn some money for my shopping spree when my 1st paycheck comes...
and He found it very good 12:38 AM;

last sunday went for some chinese new year house visitation organised by YC, 6 guys on my side (Samuel, Zac Cheam, Mitchell, Mark and David) were making our way to Germaine's house... near hougang mrt...
on our way up in the lift, the screws on mitch and mine head went a little loose and we were loony enough to start jumping in the lift, in the middle of the 8th and 9th level, The lift got stuck!... I got pics to potray the scenario, haha... I'm not sure if Samuel jumped too but it doesn't matter cos the thing was we got stuck!!!... haha
then the 6 of us began to sit down as it was freaking hot, mitch then stripped down to his boxers and Zac joked "imagine what will the lift rescue men will think when they see 5 chinese guys stucked a lift with an eurasian guy almost naked?"
on our way up in the lift, the screws on mitch and mine head went a little loose and we were loony enough to start jumping in the lift, in the middle of the 8th and 9th level, The lift got stuck!... I got pics to potray the scenario, haha... I'm not sure if Samuel jumped too but it doesn't matter cos the thing was we got stuck!!!... haha
then the 6 of us began to sit down as it was freaking hot, mitch then stripped down to his boxers and Zac joked "imagine what will the lift rescue men will think when they see 5 chinese guys stucked a lift with an eurasian guy almost naked?"
then we also fantasized what it will be like to get stuck in a lift with a chick... we were all like freaking rowdy
the time stuck in the lift was freaking hilarious, the guys were cursing and swearing, mitch and I got scolded like mad for jumping, we had a pair of oranges meant for offering to the host of the house but then decided to share the oranges among us...
then catastrophe struck when I distributed the orange to everyone, there was a sudden build up of gas in my stomach, I farted, but before I farted I told them, "sorry guys" then they went like ?????? why you saying for?...
by then the smell was attacking us and it lingered on for like the next minutes, the took the oranges and put it over their noses to try mask the stench with the smell of the oranges...
after half an hour the rescue men finally came and sigh of relief...
haha, bottom line is dont ever get stuck in the lift, u won't know when catastrophe will strike you and there's no escape in the stuck lift... haha
and He found it very good 12:04 AM;
Saturday, February 04, 2006

I'm paying homage to my dear bike (on the left), Wheeler Proride 3900, which I have owned since after last year's Chinese new year...
I'm proud to say that I paid every single cent by saving it up, it cost $480, quite reasonable considering it came with quite good bike components, Shimano Deore front and back derailleurs blah blah blah... recently upgraded my brakes to an
Avid 'Single Digit 7 V-Brake' and 'Speed Dial 7 Brake Levers'...I've been
cycling alot recently to explore new routes and destinations...
my endless cycling excapades, I've cycled to Bedok, East Coast, Toa Payoh, Bishan, Katong, Marine Parade, Paya Lebar...
anybody care to join me on my next excapade?...
and He found it very good 1:26 AM;
over the past weeks of fund raising for the garage sale for the youth rally, we manage to raise $2000++ from sales of donated merchandises and love offering from generous people of all woks of life...
A salute to all who have helped me along the way, 1st my committee members who assisted me in overseeing the whole project, Gabriel and Sebby who sacrificed their own limited free time to come down after work during week nights to plan and get permission from Father Tay and also waking up early sunday mornings for the past few weeks to open shop, u guys rock to the core man...
A big thank you also to all who assisted and supported us, naming all those generous parents who donated various merchandises to us, vases, beer mugs, clothings, photo frames, movie collectables etc...
thanks also to Aloy Lee, Clare, Ben-Con, Jeremy, Ancella and all the people whom I cant remember who helped in running the shop, I thank you all very much from the bottom of my heart...
but we may still need to carry on the garage sale on the whole month of Feb to reach our target of $4000...
nonetheless please continue to support us...
we are the salt of the earth, light of the world...Men does not live on bread alone, but from every word of the mouth of God...=)
and He found it very good 1:07 AM;
I worked with Denis from alter boys at a convention event held by prudential at suntec for $50 a day with only 3-5 hours of work on the 16th and 17th Jan...
on the 1st day of work in preparation for the event, we were assigned to paste stickers on glass bottles, we had like almost 1500++ bottles to paste stickers on, quite slack, we could chit chat as we work to past the time... started work at 11am, finished at around 3plus in the afternoon...
we were then briefed on our role to play on the convention day itself, my jaw droppes when we were told to reach the next day at 6.45am, which mean Denis and I had to grab the 1st train of the day...
then denis and I went to citylink mall's sakae sushi for dinner, I was very dissappointed to be greeted by the very limited selection for the sushi buffet they offer, no oysters, only 1 sashimi allowed, no free flow of fruit juices, no grilled eel, all my favs when it comes to dining at a Japanese cuisine restaurant... I would rather eat at Hougang Plaza's suki sushi restaurant which offers a much wider variety of choices...
I got to hougang train station just in time for the earliest train available, arrived at the convention on time at 6.45am...
apparently there were some "games" booths at the convention prior to the the convention for the staffs of prudential... Denis and I were running an archery booth along with a babe from NUS...
I got a shock when I saw this guy, guess who is he?...
well he is non other then
CORNELIUS...I was like whoah, what are you doing here, not knowing that he works for prudential...
technically we work for only 2 over hours for $50... the rest of the time was spent idling around and observing the convention taking place... the president and people higher giving their talks and delivering their annual report of 2005 and projection for 2006...
I also met my dad's cousin, what a small world indeed...
well for all the work done above we got ourselves $100...
and He found it very good 12:32 AM;
hey all readers, sorry for the lack of updates over the past 3 weeks...
so I shall spam new coming post on what I've encountered in the last few weeks since the last blog post of mine...
and He found it very good 12:28 AM;